Touch Screen Popularity Signals the End of the Keyboard

Since the rise of the tablet PC, touch screens have become increasingly common. A recent report suggests that by 2015, half of all computers purchased for children will implement touch screen rather than keyboard. Touch screens with, therefore, be as familiar to the next generation of computer users, as keyboards are for today’s computer users. […]

Waterproof Products from Armagard

Computers, printers and displays are a necessity for so many tasks. Few businesses operate without using computers and screens, while institutions like schools and hospitals need computers and screens for record management a communication. Some locations, however, are not suitable environments for standard IT hardware and often this means that using devices in these areas […]

Types of Armagard Enclosure

Identifying the need for protecting standard devices like computers, monitors and printers, Armagard began producing protective enclosures for all sorts of equipment nearly two decades ago. Technology has advanced exponentially over the last two decades, and Armagard have had to ensure their products match the ever-changing face of modern technologies. One of the biggest changes […]

Using LCD’s in Hostile Environments

TVs have come along way over the last decade or so. The old cathode ray tubes that have sat in our living rooms since the 50’s are now virtually obsolete, with the flat screen LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and plasma screen becoming ubiquitous in our homes. But our front rooms are not the only places […]

Waterproof Computer Products

Computers are now a ubiquitous tool. No longer just found in offices, bedrooms and studies, they are used in all sorts of locations; from factories to warehouses, hospitals to abattoirs, and schools to clean rooms. Obviously, not all these locations are as clean, warm and dry as your average office – and many industrial locations […]

Outdoor Digital Signage and the LCD Enclosure – perfect bedfellows

Outdoor digital signage now makes up over ten percent of all outdoor advertising. While not as ubiquitous as its indoor cousin, outdoor screens are never-the-less, appearing up and down the high street providing information, advertising and promotions. This digital outdoor signage market is expected to expand too, with outdoor advertising organisations predicting a continuous rise, […]

Digital Signage – an Ad Revolution

Advertising is as old as commerce itself. Being able to promote brands, push new products or raise awareness of promotions, is a highly important aspect to any retail or service industry. And even none commercial sectors require to raise awareness for specific programmes at certain times (such as government information messages). New methods of advertising […]

Big Screen – Outdoor TVs for any Budget

We are now all used to seeing large screen TVs outside the open. Either for advertising or information – outdoor digital signage has penetrated most high streets and city centres. And big screen TVs are commonly being installed outside entertainment areas such as pubs, restaurants and bars for viewing sporting events outdoors. But there are […]

When Outdoor Digital Signage Goes Wrong

Perhaps the fastest growing sector in the digital out of home market is in the growth of outdoor digital signage screens. A few years behind the indoor market, outdoor digital signage is now catching up fast. More and more installs are being erected along roadsides, high streets and outside shop frontages. But it is not […]

Digital Advertising and Taking the Next Step – Outdoor Digital Signage

Since LCD screens were first used as out of home advertising, digital signage has gone a long way. LCD displays and screens are no cropping up almost everywhere: Gas stations, waiting rooms, surgeries, and pharmacies; not to mention the myriad of store and high street retailers that are installing digital signage for advertising. In fact, […]