Out of Home Advertising and the Digital Revolution

Out of home advertising has always been an effective form of marketing; the popularity of posters, billboards and outdoor signage around our high streets, shopping centres, retail parks and railway stations is testament to that.

Of course, we spend a large proportion of our lives out of the home, commuting, shopping or spending our leisure time, so it’s no wonder advertisers wish to take advantage of ad space in out of home environments.

While television, newspaper and radio advertising is seeing declines in advertising revenue as new media, such as the internet, attract advertising and marketing budgets, out of home advertising is on the increase.*

Much of this continued growth is down to the development and growth of digital signage, the display screens used for advertising and signage. This new digital media is responsible for ever-increasing amounts of out of home advertising, and in locations such as transport hubs (airports, railways stations and subways) digital posters and other digital media make up 50% of total out of home adverts.

Even outside, an area not particularly suited for using electronic media, outdoor digital signage is expanding, replacing many of the static billboards and posters that adorn high streets, the roadside and shop frontages.

Several developments have caused this rise of digital signage. Firstly, the development and falling cost of flat panels televisions. Modern LCD and plasma screens are increasingly becoming flatter, lighter, longer-lasting and cheaper.

Secondly, digital media provides more flexibility for advertisers than traditional out of home advertisements. Content can be uploaded remotely, which has logistical and cost savings, and also multiple advertisements and scheduled content can also be delivered.

Using digital signage does have some drawbacks. Installing a screen, getting the content produced and then ensuring maintenance and protection of the system will cost money, but when you look at the long-term, the price advantage starts becoming evident.

Digital signage attracts more exposure than static media too, so the advertising be more effective, although as with all out of home adverts, the location and position of the screen, not to mention the actual content itself, will be a critical factor for any successful campaign.

Digital Signage
Digital Signage,helping to power out of home advertising

Armagard’s Protective LCD Enclosures

Protecting a digital advertising display is crucial, as a damaged or failed screen will add additional costs and prevent the screen from fulfilling its potential. LCD enclosures not only provide weatherproof protection, enabling outdoor digital signage, but they ensure the enclosed screen is running under optimum conditions, maintaining temperature and preventing electrical spikes. Additionally, LCD enclosures protect a display from vandalism, impact and sun exposure.

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