Places to Find Outdoor Digital Signage

Digital signage has been taken up by many industries, companies and institutes. LCD devices used for digital out of home advertising (DooH) are now in a huge variety of places from doctor’s surgeries to shop floors.

In fact, we are now becoming so used to having TV screens all around us that the initial uniqueness and visual impact that digital signage first instilled and was partly responsible for its huge success is now becoming lost as we detune and become so accustomed to these devices.

However, more and more digital signage is finding its way outdoors to the high street where its impact is more dramatic. High street and outdoor advertising are as old as advertising itself as stores have always used their frontages to promote and ply their trade.

Now, high streets are becoming inundated with outdoor digital signage units which are springing up all over the place.

Outdoor digital signage still has that newness that engages and catches the eye of passers-by, it also has many practicalities that traditional signage doesn’t. Outdoor digital signage can be tailored and altered at will which is particularly advantageous for advertising companies.

Traditional billboards, bus stop hoardings and fly posters are now being replaced with their digital advertising equivalent and outdoor digital advertising doesn’t stop there.

All sorts of new applications are being found for outdoor LCD screens – digital menu boards outside restaurants to digital signage on taxis and the use of outdoor digital signage is expected to expand further as the price of the technology falls.

What makes many of these outdoor digital signage applications possible is the advance of waterproof outdoor LCD enclosures that allow LCD TVs to be taken out of the home and placed in what would normally be considered a hazardous area for a TV.

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