Industrial Computer Enclosure – A Buyers’ Guide (part 3)

Other considerations in choosing an industrial computer enclosure for a specific location are the possibility of extreme temperatures. In some industrial areas machinery and processes generate excess heat which is why many industrial computer enclosures are fitted with additional cooling systems.

Some enclosures are even installed in ovens and other hot rooms. If the location for your industrial computer does suffer from extreme temperature then ensure adequate additional cooling comes fitted with the enclosure. In cold conditions too such as chillers and fridges enclosures can be fitted with additional heating elements to keep a stable working temperature for the IT equipment.

Protection from heavy impacts is also another consideration for an enclosure located in industrial areas. A careless swipe from a forklift or other heavy impact risks are all too common in industrial areas which is why many customers look for a steel computer enclosure over any other form or industrial IT protection.

Some enclosures that are designed to operate in explosive atmospheres and are tested to European ATEX guidelines ensuring they are safe to use in explosive risk areas.

There are many manufacturers of industrial computer enclosures but unfortunately many use cheap materials and poor engineering which is reflected in both the price and quality of their products. There is no reason why an industrial computer enclosure, sited in a heavy industrial area should not last a lifetime if it is manufactured correctly and should be able to withstand almost anything.

When looking for an enclosure supplier the most effective method of ensuring they can supply the right product for you is to ask the prospective where else their enclosures have been fitted. Most manufacturers will be happy to provide testimonial support and examples of the durability and quality of their previously sold products.

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