Digital Signage and Higher Education

One location where digital signage has begun to flourish is around higher education institutions. Many universities, colleges and schools have embarked on digital signage campaigns using the screens for a host of reasons around campus.

Digital signage at a school.

Digital signage provides an ideal platform for on campus communication. Despite students being equipped with so many personal forms of personal communication these days, with email and mobile phones, communication can still be difficult.

When important and emergency messages need relaying, mass communication with email and telephones can prove problematic; not everyone will check emails daily nor does everybody have or carry a phone with them.

With modern educational facilities, different buildings are often situated on different campuses, so communicating to all students at the same time poses another problem.

Digital signage enables visible and instant communication across wide areas with instant upload of content, enabling information dissemination to all campuses. Furthermore, with outdoor digital signage screens, relaying information to people arriving on campus is important, especially in times of emergency.

If an incident occurs on site, outdoor digital signage can warn newcomers to campus, preventing more people from coming to harm.

As a communication system, digital signage is also flexible with screens able to relay all sorts of content from important news and information to canteen menus and even sports scores. Used in gymnasiums, halls, corridors, classrooms and outside as outdoor digital signage, many modern universities and colleges are installing digital signage across a wide range of areas.

With the falling price of screens and hardware like LCD enclosures able to protect and secure screens in outdoor and vulnerable areas, providing screens across an educational establishment isn’t as expensive as many people first think, either. And with IT departments able to maintain and control the running of a digital signage project,  costs for running a campaign in educational facilities can be kept to a minimum.

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This article was written by

Richard N Williams is a writer and journalist based in Birmingham, UK. He has many years of experience writing about all aspects of the internet and digital technology. He is the author of several technology related books and his articles have appeared in various publications, trade magazines and online journals.

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