Outdoor Enclosures – Not Just Digital Signage

Thanks to the explosion of outdoor digital signage screens over the last few years, LCD displays are now becoming commonplace in outdoor locations. The growth of this outdoor digital signage is due in part to the technology designed to protect these devices from the weather and other elements they have to face in outdoor locations.

LCD Enclosures

Outdoor LCD enclosures are found in all sorts of locations. These steel enclosures protect standard and commercial screens and give them the outdoor protection that they need. Commonly they are designed to European and USA guidelines for outdoor use (EU -IP65 USA- NEMA 4 – National Electrical Manufacturers Association).

LCD enclosures keep out the rain but also ensure the devices don’t overheat or freeze in the varying weather conditions that areas experience throughout the season. However, it is not just LCD screens that are can operate in outdoor locations.

Other enclosures

Touchsreens are increasingly being used outdoors for information purposes.  Touch screens are a rugged and easy to use method of allowing input information. Outdoor touch screen enclosures are commonly used to protect these screens. Similar to an LCD enclosure the face of a touchscreen enclosure has to allow the touch screen to operate whilst still ensure it is watertight.

Even computers and printers are often housed in computer enclosures. Commonly these are for industrial; applications where water and dirt are a problem but the concept is the same as for an LCD enclosure as the industrial PC enclosure and printer enclosures often adhere to the same standards and guidelines.

Inside an Enclosure

LCD enclosures and enclosures for touch screens, computers and printers are not just watertight metal boxes. There is far more to them than just keeping out water and other nasties. Often they contain temperature devices like heaters and cooling fans that are thermostatically controlled so no matter what device you are using outside it should be protected and able to operate for 365 days a year.

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This article was written by

Richard N Williams is a writer and journalist based in Birmingham, UK. He has many years of experience writing about all aspects of the internet and digital technology. He is the author of several technology related books and his articles have appeared in various publications, trade magazines and online journals.

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