Outdoor Digital Signage – It can be made easy!

Outdoor digital signage can be real benefit for almost any business. For retail it provides an advertising platform that reaches and audience no other media can match for the price. Whilst as a method of raising awareness, generating brand interest or just providing information – there is no better method than outdoor digital signage. But […]

Digital Signage Content – Do’s and Don’ts

You have your screen, your media player and LCD enclosure, now it’s time to start thinking about content. Content is one of the biggest challenges in digital signage. The great thing about using LCD screens to advertise and provide information is that with basic PC software and a little time, anyone can generate their own […]

Digital Signage on a Shoestring

Despite the falling costs of TV screens such as LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) or plasma, digital signage is still not what you would describe as a cheap endeavour. Not only do the screens, content and distribution systems have to be purchased but also digital signage enclosures used to house and protect the screens are also […]

LCD Enclosures – A Fresh Approach to Outdoor Digital Advertising

Digital advertising is changing the shape of marketing by introducing more colourful and engaging imagery which is slowly replacing the traditional methods of advertising used for so many years. By using flat screen TV devices, moving images can be used to replace the tired static messages used in conventional signage and its not just in […]

Types of Outdoor Digital Signage Systems

Digital signage is a fantastic way of creating more awareness of products, brands and businesses. Many companies are turning o this new medium as a method of marketing. The advantage of this digital advertising is that once the outlay for the signage system and content are paid for, the system will market a business for […]

Protecting Hard Drives and Preventing Data Theft

We are all aware about the dangers of failing to protect our data. With so much of our day-to-day activities conducted online the information on our computer hard drives could be worth a fortune to a crook or ID fraudster. From online passwords to our entire bank account details can be stored on our computer […]