Outdoor Digital Signage – Why?

Digital out of home advertising (Dooh) is the latest in the advertiser’s tool kit. Digital posters and signage screens are now commonplace in many locations from shopping malls, stores to gas stations and onboard buses.

Outdoor digital signage is also beginning to take hold with LCD displays replacing the conventional posters and billboards along the highways and byways.

However, the uptake of outdoor digital signage has been a lot slower than the indoor sector; the reason for this is because outdoor displays involve a lot more challenges and complications than indoor systems, such as protection against weather, vandalism and temperature – not too mention coping with direct sunlight.

Benefits of Outdoor Digital Signage

Despite this reticence to embark in outdoor digital signage, there are a huge amount of benefits in taking a screen outdoors:

Unlike regular outdoor print advertising, there is no need to send out a technician to paste new content up. Content can be loaded remotely to as many screens as required.

Versatile – multiple ad campaigns can be displayed on a single screen with the content rotated at timed intervals

Higher audience figures – compared to indoor digital signage the amount of viewers an outdoor screen receives is far higher than for any indoor signage display. Commuters, passers-by and even those in vehicles and on public transport will view an outdoor display.

Noticeable – because outdoor digital signage has moving images, transitions, bright colours and bold text it is far more eye-catching than regular print posters.

Flexible – Content can be scheduled or changed for specific times of the day;  lunch menus, for instance, can be promoted at midday and then evening meals promoted after five.

Modern – the aesthetics of outdoor digital signage not only draw the eye but can raise the profile of an area making it look modern and contemporary.

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This article was written by

Richard N Williams is a writer and journalist based in Birmingham, UK. He has many years of experience writing about all aspects of the internet and digital technology. He is the author of several technology related books and his articles have appeared in various publications, trade magazines and online journals.

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