London’s Big Screens – Outdoor Digital Signage in the Capital

Outdoor digital signage is expanding rapidly in the UK with more and more screens cropping up in towns and cities all over the country. Currently, one in eight pounds spent on outdoor advertising goes on digital, but with rapid growth in the outdoor digital signage market, it is expected that digital may one day overtake traditional outdoor advertising.

As the nation’s capital, London is leading the way with outdoor digital signage screens with some huge digital hoardings around the city. Most travellers heading into the nation’s capital along the M4 will have probably seen the M4 Torch.

Standing on the busiest stretch of road between the city and Heathrow, nearly 2 million people pass the Torch each week, making it one of the most viewed outdoor digital signs in the country.

Measuring 6.75m x 4.5m the Torch was one of the first giant outdoor digital signage screens erected in the capital, but now more of these large hoardings are being erected across the city.

One of the latest is the i. The i, on London’s Cromwell Road, which also connects West London to Heathrow will communicate to an audience over 1.5 million. Measuring 5 x 5 metres, the i’s screen is also high definition.

Even London’s landmark outdoor signs are now being replaced with digital versions. Piccadilly Circus, once emblazoned with neon is now all digital, with the iconic screens still illuminating the night with their flashing imagery.

And London is not the only city installing large digital signage screens. Manchester’s famous Hacienda nightclub, on a main junction to the city centre, has a double-sided full-motion measuring 8 x 3.5 metres.

Birmingham, the UK’s second city also has several large screens dotted around the city with a giant full-motion screen currently being erected outside the famous Bullring shopping centre.

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This article was written by

Richard N Williams is a writer and journalist based in Birmingham, UK. He has many years of experience writing about all aspects of the internet and digital technology. He is the author of several technology related books and his articles have appeared in various publications, trade magazines and online journals.

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