7 Sectors Transformed By Digital Signage Solutions & How Armagard Digital Signage Can Help You

Digital signage solution specialists, Armagard, analyse seven sectors reaping the benefits of increased digital signage use.

Illuminated Drive Thru Boards | Which are Best for Your Drive Thru Restaurant?

Looking for outdoor illuminated drive thru boards for your restaurant’s drive thru lane? There’s plenty to choose from, right? However, which offer you the best value for money and the flexibility you need to drive sales at your drive thru? Read More

The Great British Outdoor Menu Display Tactic Driving Fast Food Sales

The task of enticing new QSR customers, and retaining loyal ones, has certainly become more challenging in today’s ‘instant’ society. As a result, the fast food menu in the UK has had to evolve. Cue the next evolution of the outdoor menu display… Read More

Digital Signage Displays – The 10 Reasons Why Your Business Must Have Them Now…

Success! Every business depends on it to survive and thrive. Digital signage displays now play a key part in propelling businesses to the forefront of their industry sector. Here are 10 reasons why your business must have them…

Totem Digital Signage – Why The New Financial Year Is Right for A New Totem

Need a fresh advertising idea for the New Financial Year? Digital signage enclosure specialists, Armagard, discuss the distinct advantages of ‘totem’ digital signage.

Sunlight Readable Digital Signage – Anti-Glare & Anti-Reflective, What’s The Difference?

To complement the launch of their new sunlight readable digital signage enclosure range, which can integrate screens featuring anti-glare and anti-reflective technologies, Armagard explains the differences between the two technologies.   

Armagard Ltd – Trouble Tracking Us Down? We Are Armagard, Not To Be Confused With Armaguard

Following confusion over the spelling of the Armagard Ltd company name, we clarify how you can track us down online to purchase your protective PC, printer or digital signage enclosure(s).

Resurrect Your Easter Attendance with Outdoor Digital Signage

A large number of church organisations are starting to use outdoor digital signage to communicate with their parishes. This is a brilliant way to bring church communications into the 21st century, and to connect with potential new attendees in a modern, engaging way. Churches that are using screens to spread the word are creating more memorable visual impact, getting noticed and generating interest in what they do.

Outdoor Screen Enclosures – Avoiding Condensation

Winter brings with it some of the most variable weather of the year. From snow and hail, to fog and rain, winter is a challenging season for outdoor screen enclosures. Whether they are providing information, acting as outdoor advertising screens or other forms of outdoor digital signage, protecting the screen from the elements is an essential aspect to making sure the screen can endure the winter months.

Outdoor Digital Signage Makes Waiting in Line Less Frustrating

Waiting in line can be a frustrating process. Whether it’s waiting for the movie theatre to open, the bus to arrive or for a turn on a theme park ride, waiting in line can lead to impatience, frustration and make people decide not to return. Nobody likes waiting, but by utilizing outdoor digital signagesystems, it is possible to alleviate this frustration in these sorts of environments.