Securing an Outdoor TV Screen

With the smoking ban of recent years, more and more bars and pubs are providing outdoor areas for their customers, to ensure there is no drop off in their revenues as smoking customer are forced outside.

To provide a comfortable and relaxing location for smokers in beer gardens, many bar and pubs are installing smoking huts, often heated, and even outdoor TVs to provide entertainment and allowing smokers to watch the sporting events many bars and pubs subscribe to, as a way of attracting customers.

An outdoor television can be a substantial investment, however, and to ensure the device doesn’t get damaged then some consideration needs to be placed into protecting the screen.

Protection for an outdoor TV comes in two forms; protecting the TV from the outdoor elements, and protecting the TV from impacts, attempts at theft and vandalism.

An outdoor television is often the device of choice for most pub and bar owners as these are already equipped to cope with the demands of operating outdoors, being waterproof and able to cope with a wide range of temperatures.

The downside of using these waterproof and outdoor TV systems is that they are highly expensive and still require physical protection and security.

Any screen left outdoors not only has to be securely installed to prevent theft but also needs to be equipped to cope with impacts, both accidental and deliberate, especially as pubs can become raucous locations during football tournaments like the World Cup.

Protecting a screen is not difficult as most standard display devices will fit into an LCD or plasma enclosure. These steel protective cabinets, with shatterproof screens are also built specifically for outdoor use, so are waterproof and contain climatic systems to allow any type of LCD or plasma to operate outdoors.

An LCD enclosure is, therefore, not only an ideal method of protecting outdoor screens but is also a cost effective an alternative method of using a TV outdoors without buying an expensive outdoor TV system.

By installing a standard TV device in an LCD enclosure, you can provide an outdoor TV at a fraction of the normal cost, while still having peace of mind that the device will still function after inclement weather, and will be protected and secured against damage or theft.

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This article was written by

Richard N Williams is a writer and journalist based in Birmingham, UK. He has many years of experience writing about all aspects of the internet and digital technology. He is the author of several technology related books and his articles have appeared in various publications, trade magazines and online journals.

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