Outdoor LCD – Changing the Shape of our High Streets

Signage has always been an important aspect of our lives. From giving us road directions to informing us of the latest sales, signs provide useful information as well as being a direct sales tool for retailers.

However, signage has been going through what can only be described as a revolution in recent years thanks to the falling price of LCD TV’s and plasma screens. Digital signage is now utilised in all sorts of places and for all sorts of purposes.

There are huge advantages of digital signage over standard 2D signs; namely:
•    Less expensive than creating and distributing print ad campaigns.
•    Flexibility in it allows immediate changes of promotions.
•    Tailored messages for particular products or customers
•    Opportunities to sell advertising space
•    Provide important information
•    The technology creates a better company image than cardboard signage
•    Better visibility for warning signs or important information
•    Influence purchasing decisions even up to the point of purchase

Because of all these reasons digital signage is utilised in all sorts of sectors for all sorts of reasons but it has always been restricted to indoor use due to the fragility of the technology.

However, outdoor LCD’s are now regularly seen in outside locations. These are often waterproof LCDs or quite often standard screens housed in an LCD enclosure. If outdoor LCDs and other forms of digital outdoor signage takes of as indoor digital media has then our high streets are going to be transformed.

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