Outdoor Advertising and Young People

Outdoor advertising is one of the oldest forms of advertising in existence. You would think that with the myriad forms of advertising now in existence, such as TV, radio, newspaper, internet and mobile phone, outdoor advertising would be losing its appeal; however, recent research shows that not only is outdoor advertising still generates positive receptions from the general public, but in particular has appeal to young people.

Research by YouGov, an international internet-based market research firm, conducted for the UK’s Outdoor Media Centre, found that 63% of all respondents found outdoor advertising clever, humorous, entertaining and kept brands in the public eye. Furthermore, of the 1,692 respondents to the online survey, 70% of young people (18-24) gave outdoor advertising positive approval.

More than 80% of respondents to the survey said they recalled seeing a specific outdoor advertisement recently, with entertainment adverts for books, films or shows proving extremely memorable to the younger generation.

Outdoor Media Centre CEO, Mike Baker, said: “It’s good to get such positive findings from a national survey. It is reassuring outdoor advertising is appreciated, and is part of people’s information gathering process and an integral part of the customer journey on so many categories. Its social contribution in underwriting public transport and services is quite well understood too.”

Effect of Digital?

The most surprising aspect of the YouGov research is the positive effect outdoor advertising has on young people, but with outdoor digital signage increasingly taking a larger proportion of outdoor advertising, this could perhaps explain the appeal to the young generation.

Having grown up with the internet, mobile phones, DVDs and a world in digital, young people are far more media savvy than the older generation. Perhaps seeing moving images and LCD screens, when out-and-about appeals to this digital generation.

Digital signage is one of the fastest growing media industries and is not as expensive as many people assume. For more information on digital signage and outdoor digital signage products, visit Armagard:


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This article was written by

Richard N Williams is a writer and journalist based in Birmingham, UK. He has many years of experience writing about all aspects of the internet and digital technology. He is the author of several technology related books and his articles have appeared in various publications, trade magazines and online journals.

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