Features and Components of an LCD Enclosure

Protecting screens in outdoor locations involves more than just housing them in a metal box. LCD enclosures are highly engineered cabinets, filled with essential components and design features that enable comprehensive protection, no matter what the ambient conditions.

LCD enclosures are waterproof, but the process of waterproofing an LCD screen has its complications. LCD TVs get warm and this heat needs transferring away. Normally, this heat is expelled using a TV’s internal fans and released through a vent. However, in an LCD enclosure, any venting system needs designing so water can’t penetrate into the vent.

LCD enclosures use shaped champers that allow airflow out of the device, but prevents rain and other elements from getting inside. A cooling fan inside the LCD enclosure continuously blows cool air through the enclosure expelling any heat coming from the TV.

Door seals on the LCD enclosure also need designed to prevent any water ingress and yet still allow access to the enclosed TV for maintenance or replacement.

Not all outdoor locations are the same and installing a screen in an LCD enclosure in a hot climate or one where temperatures drop below freezing requires additional climatic components.

For hot climates, additional cooling fans are installed in the LCD enclosure, while in extreme cases, air conditioning is installed to ensure the maximum temperature for the screen is never exceeded inside the enclosure. For colder locations, insulation and even heaters are installed inside the LCD enclosure keeping the internal temperature within the TV’s operating limits.

Surge protectors inside the LCD enclosure provide protection for the enclosed screen against power surges, power cuts and spikes.

And for physical protection, a shatterproof screen prevents damage to the TV’s face, and avoids the risk of shattered glass resulting from an impact, while tamperproof locks can assist in securing the screen against attempts at theft.



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This article was written by

Richard N Williams is a writer and journalist based in Birmingham, UK. He has many years of experience writing about all aspects of the internet and digital technology. He is the author of several technology related books and his articles have appeared in various publications, trade magazines and online journals.

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