Digital Signage – now part of the infrastructure

While advertisers, retailers and public service bodies have embraced digital advertising and outdoor digital signage, to the point where the technology is now ubiquitous, digital signage is now being integrated in design plans for all sorts of new build locations.

Increasingly, buildings such as schools, colleges, sports stadium and public buildings are being designed with screens and digital signage in mind, rather than the screens being installed as an afterthought once the project is completed.

There are many advantages for organisations in utilising this technology and it can bring with it plenty of rewards, which is why so many new build projects have screens included in their original drawings.


For new school buildings, working out where the screens will be before the building is built makes sense. All-too-often, erection of digital signage can be frustrated by building design so it make sense for new school builds to have the technology implemented with the build.

Schools get many advantages in using digital screens and are used for all sorts of purposes from replacing the traditional noticeboard, to providing scores in sports halls, and information to the local community as outdoor digital signage.

Sports Stadium

Other projects where digital signage is being implemented at the design stage is in the building of sports stadia. With most modern football arenas and other sports stadia, digital signage is used for a myriad of reasons.

Keeping customers informed of what is going on while they are using the facilities such as toilets and snack bars is one task digital signage is ideal for, as is providing ticketing and other information. These indoor screens can also be used for advertising and promotion too or a combination of all the above.

Many of these installations of display screens are housed in an LCD enclosure for protection ensuring the LCD is kept free from liquids, dust and other harmful elements as well as ensuring the screen is operating in the right environment regardless of the ambient conditions.

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This article was written by

Richard N Williams is a writer and journalist based in Birmingham, UK. He has many years of experience writing about all aspects of the internet and digital technology. He is the author of several technology related books and his articles have appeared in various publications, trade magazines and online journals.

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