Benefits of Outdoor Information Screens

Providing information to customers, staff, and patrons is an essential aspect to many businesses and industries, but getting this information across can be challenging.

Traditionally when you caught a train and needed a timetable, went to school or college and wanted to find out exam results, or needed to find out some information at work, you would go to a notice-board and scour it for the information you needed.

Nowadays a more modern and convenient method of supplying information is available by using LCD screens. TVs have been used by the transport sector for some time to provide timetable information and news of delays, but now, with the rise of flat-screen TVs like LCD and plasma, public information screens are being used in all sorts of areas—including many outdoor locations.

Outdoor information screens are often standard LCD devices housed in protective weatherproof enclosures that ensure rainfall and other elements do not get to the screen, whilst the LCD enclosure also maintains a constant internal temperature and protects the display from impact.

All sorts of businesses and institutions are using outdoor information screens as a means of communicating with staff, employees, customers and patrons as it has many advantages over other forms of messaging.

With an outdoor information screen, content can be remotely uploaded which can save time as somebody doesn’t need to traverse a site to pin up new information. Furthermore, as information can be uploaded instantly, and in real time, during emergencies, warnings can be issued across the entire site of campus, ensuring new arrivals are not caught up in whatever incident is occurring.

For this reason, many schools and colleges are installing outdoor screens in LCD enclosures as a means of communicating with students and ensuring if there is an emergency situation people can be informed as soon as they arrive on site.

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This article was written by

Richard N Williams is a writer and journalist based in Birmingham, UK. He has many years of experience writing about all aspects of the internet and digital technology. He is the author of several technology related books and his articles have appeared in various publications, trade magazines and online journals.

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