2011 – A Year for Digital Signage

Digital signage is already a burgeoning industry worth somewhere in the region of £2 billion worldwide.  And this year it is expected to expand further, particularly here in the UK where the industry is expected to grow by up to a quarter.

Recent surveys indicate that in retail there are currently 46,000 stores now using some form of digital signage – four times the amount that were using it three years ago. Furthermore, if the survey is accurate, this is set to rise to 58,000 by next year.

And the burgeoning outdoor market is growing as strong too with outdoor digital signage becoming a common sight along British high streets and around us stations, railways and other transport hubs.

But what do retailers and advertisers see in digital signage that is driving this growth?

According to the survey most retailers say the uplift in sales is the driving force behind most digital signage installs but there are many other advantages too – especially outdoors.

No other advertising media can match the size of audience for the cost that digital signage can reach and in outdoor locations, the audience size is obviously a lot larger and with less digital competition it’s easier to get noticed.

Another advantage with digital advertising, particularly outdoor digital signage, is the ability to upload content remotely rather than pay somebody to travel around and manually stick up posters and bill boards. This, along with the limited running costs, means once installed a digital signage campaign can continue to drive up sales with no extra costs.

There are various turn-key solutions for simple digital signage systems such as digital posters which enable anyone to get involved and with waterproof  LCD enclosures that allow you to take LCD displays outdoors – even outdoor digital signage does not need to be difficult.

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This article was written by

Richard N Williams is a writer and journalist based in Birmingham, UK. He has many years of experience writing about all aspects of the internet and digital technology. He is the author of several technology related books and his articles have appeared in various publications, trade magazines and online journals.

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