Watching Football Outdoors – Outdoor TVs

Watching the big game with friends and family often involves going around to somebody’s home or the local pub, where often people relax with a drink to watch the latest football action.

Recent smoking bans, a warmer weather during the summer, has meant there has been a trend for outdoor TVs, which are most popular during football tournaments such as the European or World Cup, or Champions League trophy.

Outdoor TV viewing has its problems, though, but many bar owners are investing in an outdoor screen knowing how popular these events become, and the growing demand people have to watch sporting events outside.

Different solutions are available to provide outdoor TV viewing, and they vary in price and flexibility. Outdoor screens are increasingly becoming common due to the rise of outdoor digital signage, but these outdoor TVs are just as useful at playing outdoor TV content.

Outdoor TVs, however, are highly expensive and can cost many times more than equivalent indoor sizes, but there is an alternative solution being used by householders and bar owners that costs a fraction of the price: LCD TV enclosures.

LCD TV enclosures house standard TVs, including plasmas, and come in a range of sizes from small 20” LCD enclosures to giant-sized 70” versions.

These protective TV enclosures provide all the outdoor protection needed to allow standard TVs to be used safely and securely outside. LCD enclosures provide complete weatherproof protection but also contain climatic systems to ensure the optimum temperature inside the enclosure, no matter what the ambient conditions are doing.

LCD enclosures are also physically strong, able to withstand impacts and attempts at vandalism, essential during the raucous proceedings of a football tournament.

The biggest advantages with LCD enclosures is their cost effectiveness and flexibility which allows even homeowners to justify the use of an outdoor TV.

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This article was written by

Richard N Williams is a writer and journalist based in Birmingham, UK. He has many years of experience writing about all aspects of the internet and digital technology. He is the author of several technology related books and his articles have appeared in various publications, trade magazines and online journals.

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