Using Plasma and LCD Screens in Wash Down Environments

Modern flat screen TVs are far more useful that their CRT predecessors. There thin nature means they can be used in all sorts of locations, for all sorts of purposes, not just for TV viewing, from digital signage and advertising screens, to providing information and acting as computer monitors.

Screens are ideal for businesses too, allowing workers and staff to keep abreast of important information which can be disseminated centrally, and even industrial processes can be monitored by the use of LCD screens.

Some locations, however, can be difficult environments to use a modern LCD or plasma screens. Once such location is wash down environments such as food factories where all equipment has to be cleaned regularly.

Not only does any screen that has to operate in this environment, therefore, need to be waterproof, it must not permit corrosion or contain too many nooks and crannies that allow bacteria to fester.

LCD enclosures are an obvious solution for wash down locations as they are waterproof and allow the screen to be hosed down –and even jet washed. These waterproof LCD enclosures are often manufactured to industrial standards such as European IP65 and USA NEMA 4.

Most equipment used in these types of location are made from stainless steel and display enclosures can be produced in this material too. However, stainless steel is an expensive material and can often lead to excessive costs to the LCD enclosure. Fortunately, some powder coating is extremely proficient at preventing corrosion and preventing the bare metal from being exposed and it is common for LCD enclosures in washdown locations to be coated in this material.

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This article was written by

Richard N Williams is a writer and journalist based in Birmingham, UK. He has many years of experience writing about all aspects of the internet and digital technology. He is the author of several technology related books and his articles have appeared in various publications, trade magazines and online journals.

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