Traditional Outdoor Advertising on the Decline

Outdoor advertising is one of the oldest forms of marketing in existence. For centuries, vendors and retailers have been promoting their products using out of home advertisements on the front of stores, on billboards and on posters, in virtually every conceivable location.

And the effectiveness of outdoor advertising hasn’t declined in the slightest and it is still a huge marketplace worth several billion dollars worldwide and year-on-year growth in most countries in excess of ten percent.

Yet, despite this growth of outdoor advertising, traditional methods of outdoor promotion are being shelved and replaced by more modern and contemporary methods of out of home advertising.

As a recent example, the rotating billboards, very common in major city centres across Europe, are being phased out. This Trivision boards run by outdoor leaders JC Decaux have been used for decades as a means of relaying thee advertisements on the same ad space, but they are finally being axed.

The reason? A far more effective method of providing multiple advertisements on outdoor spaces have usurped these rotating billboards—outdoor digital signage.

Outdoor digital signage has far more advantages over these rotating billboards. Not only can they display the content from multiple advertisers (and far more than the three Trivision boards can), but also, outdoor digital signage displays can have content uploaded remotely, which has huge cost savings for advertisers in that they do not need to hire technicians to paste up new content (and on Trivision systems because of their strip nature it takes a lot longer than other billboards).

Digital signage now makes up around 15% off all outdoor advertising but it is set to increase as more and more traditional billboards are being replaced by giant-sized screens and digital billboards.

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This article was written by

Richard N Williams is a writer and journalist based in Birmingham, UK. He has many years of experience writing about all aspects of the internet and digital technology. He is the author of several technology related books and his articles have appeared in various publications, trade magazines and online journals.

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