Keeping a Screen Free from Dust

Since the rise of the flat panel television, LCD and plasma screens have begun to seep out of the home and are now a common sight in all sorts of locations. From digital signage systems in shopping centres and malls, to screens used as information displays in transport hubs, the modern television is used for all sorts of commercial applications.

LCD and plasma screens are also now a common feature in industrial, factory and warehouse locations. Used for displaying current work, stock levels, process information or a whole host of other data, screens can increase efficiency, improve production and reduce waste by ensuring workers are communicated with efficiently.

While these locations are not like using a screen outside, where the wind, rain and excessive temperatures can disable a screen, there are other hazardous elements that could be disabling in these sorts of locations.

Dust, swarf, grease and other small particulates are very common in these sorts of locations and they can have all sorts of effects on a screen being used in such an environment.

These sorts of small particles and dust can constitute almost any material from metals to human detritus, depending on the environment and processes that are going on.

If dust contains conductive elements such as metals then it can be particularly damaging to a screen if it gets inside as it can lead to short circuiting. Even non conductive materials can also lead to screen failure as they can cover a screen, blocking vents and lead to overheating.

Keeping a screen free from dust is therefore essential if you are to operate one in a dusty environment, but doing so can be tricky as screens need access to fresh air to be able to operate efficiently.

Protective dust covers are occasionally used in these sorts of areas but they are only a temporary solution and more often than not can’t cope with the demands of an industrial environment.

Without access to airflow, a modern screen will soon overheat as the backlight produces quite a large amount of heat, which needs to be carried away.

LCD enclosures are designed and manufactured to cope with such environments with their IP54, IP65 or NEMA 4 ratings they can accommodate a standard screen and keep dust and other small particulates out.

Furthermore, LCD enclosures are rugged and can withstand severe impacts making them ideal for the rough and tough world of industrial digital signage.

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This article was written by

Richard N Williams is a writer and journalist based in Birmingham, UK. He has many years of experience writing about all aspects of the internet and digital technology. He is the author of several technology related books and his articles have appeared in various publications, trade magazines and online journals.

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