Is Digital Signage Worth It?

The growth of digital signage is hard to escape with its implementation seemingly covering every sector, from retail to finance, industrial to transport, digital signage seems to be everywhere.

There also seems to be a myriad of different applications for digital signage. Advertising is amongst the most widespread of these but it is also being used for information, point of sale, maps and location finders, warning messages and entertainment.

But digital signage is not just about aesthetics of ‘catching the eye’ there is much more benefits in using digital out of home media (DooH) such as:

•    Grab a customer’s attention and influence their purchasing decision even up to the point of purchase
•    Less expensive than creating and distributing print ad campaigns.
•    Flexibility to change promotions immediately
•    Tailor messages for various products or particular customers
•    Non retailers can sell advertising space
•    Influence customer behaviour
•    Provide important information
•    Aesthetically, the technology creates a better company image
•    Better visibility for warning signs or important information

However, there are negative aspects of digital signage that every company should before implementing the technology such as:

Digital signage software and hardware can be expensive so due consideration should be taken for potential returns of investment (ROI)

Digital signage has to be protected in outdoor and industrial areas this can easily be done by using an all weather or IP65 LCD enclosure.

In conclusion only you can decide if digital signage is worth your companies investment but whether its to aid sales, inform customers or staff or just replacing the tired old information boards there is probably a digital signage solution available.

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