Workstations and Bacteria – The Medical Keyboard

Computer keyboards harbour more germs than toilet seats including the deadly bacteria MRSA, microbiologists tell us and with the increasing use of computers in the health profession there is a worry that an increase in hospital infections could be imminent as keyboards can act as a ‘superhighway’ for bacteria. There is an average of 3,300 […]

Industrial Computer Enclosures – Common Questions

What is an Industrial computer Enclosure? An industrial computer enclosure is put simply a box that protects a housed computer. It does not necessarily take the place of a normal PC enclosure but acts as a containing unit where an entire PC can be installed inside to gain protection from the elements of an industrial […]

Converting IP Ratings and NEMA codes

NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) has established a range of standards for electrical equipment enclosures.  NEMA codes tend to be used by countries outside of Europe, including the USA. NEMA codes use a number to describe the level of protection afforded by electrical equipment enclosures European countries use the European Union IP Rating system from […]