Touchscreen industrial

Industrial Touchscreens for use in dusty, wet enviornments

Touchscreen industrial for industrial use supplied by

Touchscreen industrial to help provide security to computer systems in harsh environments.

A Touchscreen Industrial protects TFT screens and standard sized desktop and tower PCs in harsh Industrial environments. Armagard's Industrial touchscreens are made in either Stainless Steel IP65 or mild steel IP54 form. so you can either Jet wash them or use them in dusty environments and your computer would be completely safe from the environment.

Why use a industrial touchscreen enclosure to protect your Computer?

A Industrial touchscreen enclosure will securely protect computer hardware from hazadous environments, while still allowing you to use the computer to its full capabilities. Being made in either IP65 or IP54 means that the enclosures can protect from dust and water. The Industrial enclosures offer a cheaper soloution by allowing you to keep your existing computer equipment.

Is there any setup or installation required?

Very little as we at Armagard implement all the options that you have asked for so the fans, fan filters, wires, plugs, heaters, air conditioning etc. are assembled in our facotry. All that is required by you is to put the unit where you want it to stand, then plug in your computer equipment and your unit is then fully functional after only a few minutes.